It is with no doubt driving in the dark in more challenging and dangerous than during the day. It is as a result of reduced visibility and complications in telling the right speed and distance. Street lighting are installed to tackle this problem, but it is unfortunate they are not available everywhere. It is common to find some streets light dimmed or completely switched off. Once you buy a new car with the excitement that come along with it. Here are some helpful tips to help you safe at night.
Keep the windows clean.
When driving at night make sure the windows are clean inside and out. Dirty windows increase glare and condensation. This reduces divergent rays from outside which reduces visibility.
Take regular breaks
For those long driving trips, it is advisable to take regular breaks. If driving late in the night rest for at least one hour and drink strong coffee keep you awake. This also gives your eyes time to relax and have a better vision.
Study the road ahead.
It can be difficult to see pedestrians at night, if they are not wearing reflective clothing. It is important to note the points where high traffic of pedestrian are expected. Always check ahead for any on coming vehicles, this can be seen from the glimmers of light at the bends and at the top hills. This gives you a prior warning and you can plan your actions.
Do not dizzle
When driving in the rural areas at night always drive on full beam but dim the lights when going towards another vehicle to avoid dazzling them. In case you are the victim avoid looking directly at the headlights. When this is happening always keep your attention on your side of the road and your speed steady. This is to say if you happen to be driving at 50 mph, do not drop to 40 mph, this may cause a lot of problems to drivers behind you. It is advisable to aim for a speed you can maintain regardless if you are approaching another vehicle, let’s say 45 mph. Always drive in speeds you are comfortable, this reduces your chances of committing mistakes.
Lighten up
It is important to turn your headlights one hour before you start your journey. This makes it easier other drivers to see you in twilight. All the exterior lights should be working and clean. For clear visibility all the interior lights should be switched off.
The eyes have it
Have your eyes checked on regular basis to ensure they will take you home whenever you need their services of taking you home at night. Underlying eye problems may affect your night vision. Never wear dark lenses while driving at night. Check out some available car for hire, talk to us.